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D'esprit galant et chevaleresque, TROUBADOURS en fête, troisième livre de la collection, est un recueil de vingt-sept (27) pièces musicales tout spécialement réunies pour les jeunes enfants du primaire, mais également pour toutes les clientèles qui aimeraient découvrir, connaître, goûter, et surtout faire revivre la noblesse et le raffinement de ces temps lointains. ​ Transportons-nous momentanément au temps des châteaux en nous laissant imprégner par la couleur envoûtante et magique de la musique médiévale.  Découvrons ensemble la fine poésie des troubadours alliée à la couleur distinctive des différentes instrumentations. Faciles d'exécution, nous pourrons découvrir le plaisir de la musique d'ensemble avec des accompagnements simples et progressifs selon l'approche Orff, conçus et adaptés pour les jeunes musiciens, curieux et sensibles à tout ce qui est Beauté, Fraîcheur et Raffinement.

TROUBADOURS en fête Living testimony to those long gone times...

Inspired by chivalry, TROUBADOURS en fête is a musical collection of twenty-seven (27) pieces especially created in French and also in an English version for children and all those who wish to discover, enjoy and give a new life to the noble elegance of medieval art. 


Let us now travel back in time to the era of castles and allow ourselves to be filled with the magical and bewitching colour of medieval music.

Both children and teachers will discover the fine poetry of the gentle troubadours as it blends with the distinctive colour of various instruments. The music is easy to perform and will help eager young musicians to discover the pleasures of group work. The simple and progressive accompaniments are conceived and adapted for children who crave such qualities as beauty, originality and refinement.

Nobility and refinement,

a voyage to the time of the knights! 

Second edition   ISBN 978-2-9803205-7-6 Book of 150 pages

The detailed and careful presentation of the information will simplify your teaching thanks to an overall intelligible format in four pages:


  • Lyrics and Illustration  1- English songs + English texts, 2- Special Collection French Immersion: French songs + English texts

  • Orff Accompaniment

  • Movement Activity

  • Pedagogical Steps


Note that this anthology of early music may appropriately be performed on the recorder. The multi-form aspect activity is there to enjoy, as some verses are for voice only, some for soprano recorder, and others either combined or presented according to your fancy or imagination.


Compact discs are also available. They include all of the Orff accompaniments with and without vocal parts. This pedagogical tool will facilitate your listening sessions. It will help the children in their study of instrumental play and musical form, and assist you in teaching dance and movement.


In this spirit, you are invited to experience a journey across time, a unique aubade, by rediscovering the various facets of the Orff Schulwerk in its most noble armour. Hommage will be given to song, recorder, instrumentation, dance, creativity and spontaneity as the repertoire comes back to life under your baton.

© 2025 Les Éditions Musique en fête SENC

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