
Colours and Atmospheres of Africa
Cultural panorama diversified according to Orff Schulwerk through musically inspiring activities of Senegal, Mali, Kenya and Guinea, the fruits of my last research in ethnomusicology, bound (connected) to Mama Africa, the cradle of humanity.
A refreshing and delicious directory with songs, rhythmic games, instrumentations and movement.
Under the Caribbean Sun...
Timoun an Ayiti, childhood, music and games
The result of my latest research in the field in Autumn 2018, Timoun an Ayiti, childhood, music and games, will immerse you in the very special world of Creole traditions in Haiti.
This Orff Schulwerk training will allow you to live a colourful cultural and musical journey through talk-rhythm activities, songs, rhythmic games and dance for the different preschool and elementary age groups, a dose of sunny vitamins for young and old!

My surprise chest
INTENDED FOR OUR YOUNG PEOPLE from primary school, My Surprise Chest will make you discover beautiful little jewels
from here and elsewhere!
A charming multiethnic directory of games, motor skills and movement, simple instrumentations with creation and atmosphere, surprises and musical discoveries
will await you.

The Orff approach will be further developed throughout the workshop through useful insights for teachers and the practical application of the fundamental principles of this pedagogy.
It's an invitation to travel...
My treasure chest
INTENDED FOR OUR OLDEST in Elementary School, My Treasure Chest will introduce you to the wonderful musical treasures of our planet!
Tantalizing multiethnic repertoire, games, motor skills and movement, instruments with creativity and special moods, surprises and musical discoveries will be at the meeting point.
The Orff approach will be further developed throughout the workshop through useful insights for teachers and the practical application of the fundamental principles of this pedagogy.
It's an invitation to discover...
Plays on Words and Children's Plays
What a marvel in front of the creative genius of children: a simple chain of funny words, inviting rhythmic ones, some original movement, we add accessories or instruments, and why not stage a small scene?
This is the way children's games (child's play) are born and are simply passed on in the creative spirit!
Other choices of workshops
* Against all odds / Contre vents et marées
* Landscapes of French song /
Paysages de la chanson française
* Christmas around the world / Noël autour du monde
* Discovery Destination / Destination Découverte
* Let's discover a part of Abenaki culture /
Découvrons une parcelle de la culture abénakise
* Oriental fragrances / Parfums d'Orient
* And many others...
A description will be sent on request
according to the workshop that interests you particularly.