NATIONS en fête Your passport to music and movement!
The fruit of extensive research, NATIONS en fête is a collection of thirty (30) multi-ethnic songs with the original lyrics of each country especially presented for your pupil's level.
Give yourself the pleasure of going on this interior voyage to experience the sensitivity and soul of diverse cultures: North America * South and Central America * The Near and far East * Africa * Asia * Oceania
The songs are selected from the four corners of the globe; each one is presented in it's country's original language and is easy to perform.You will thus be able to enjoy the multi-form aspect of each activity as some verses are for voice only, some for soprano recorder, and others can be combined or presented according to your fancy or your imagination.
The detailed and careful presentation of the information will simplify your teaching thanks to an overall intelligible format in four pages:
Lyrics and Illustration / Teacher's manual - Country's original language and English texts
Orff Accompaniment
Movement Activity
Pedagogical Steps
Let yourself be carried off by the special colour of diverse easily-performed instrumentations inviting you and the children to discover the pleasure of group music. The simple and progressive accompaniments are conceived and adapted especially for children.
Compact discs are also available. They include all of the Orff accompaniments with and without vocal parts.
This pedagogical tool will facilitate your listening sessions. It will help the children in their study of instrumental play and musical form, and assist you in teaching dance and movement.